Incomings amount to the release of Transformation Space my final segment in the Sentients of Orion series. It’s out in a month, maybe a little earlier, and I’m terribly nervous about how my loyal readers will find the grand finale. I tried so hard to stay true to the characters and the kind of endings to which, I felt, they were destined. It was a completely exhausting, stimulating book to write and I’ve never worked so hard on anything as I did trying to bring this together in a satisfactory manner. I’ll be too scared to look in the book when it arrives, in case I find something I could have done better!

My other December incoming, is Sharp Turn, book 2 in the Tara Sharp series. This was fun to write but still provided its challenges – namely heart surgery during the middle of my edits. I also learned a few big lessons about crime plotting which should stand me in good stead for the future. Nicola O’Shea (uber freelance editor) and Louise Thurtell gave me a lot of extra help and good advice with Sharp Turn and I’m indebted to them. I recently recorded a radio interview with Radio Port Phillip in which the interviewer, Del Nightingale, described Tara Sharp as an anarchist. I was *delighted* at this, because she is essentially – in a terribly polite, Western Suburbs kinda way. The segment will air on January 10th between 9-11am.

But enough about me!

Upcomings… well I  mentioned Anne Bishop is a Special Guest blogger in December but I’m also really excited to say that famous comic writer and new media guru Paul Jenkins will be next in my Super Creatives series. Paul is a great guy and someone who I would call an instinctively entrepreneurial creative person.

I’m also thinking a running a Random Reader Series where anyone can send me a blog piece pertaining to speculative fiction and I’ll pick the best ones to publish on my site. If anyone has thoughts on the idea, please speak up. Does this appeal?

Plenty of juicies coming up on MDP-Web.

Over at Burn Bright stay tuned for a five book giveaway. Plus there’s the current Yunyu concert tickets going off right now. Lots of reviews happening and more Big 4 interviews on the way. Topped off with a couple of special in-depth interviews with DM Cornish and Alison Croggan.

The wonderful, talented Queen of Dark Fantasy Anne Bishop will be Special Guest blogging here soon, as will one of my favourite urban fantasy writers, Diana Pharoah Francis. And not to be too female-centric, voice actor, entrepreneur and all around frigging genius Spike Spencer will be an upcoming Super Creative.

Marianne Delacourt site has been a little quiet due to me waiting to hear when the next books (3 & 4) are a -go-go. It does however have new details of my November/December signing tour of Brisbane and the news of the Scarlett Stilletos award night in Melbourne.


davitt-award  aurealis-award   logo-curtin-university

Peacemaker - Aurealis Award
Best Science Fiction Novel 2014

Curtin University Distinguished Alumni Award 2014

Transformation Space - Aurealis Award
 Best Science Fiction Novel 2010

Sharp Shooter - Davitt Award
Best Crime Novel 2009 (Sisters in Crime Australia) 





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