Been reflecting on my NYE catastrophe and an idea came to me. Often in life, you glimpse events and occurrences that never get explained. So, I’ve decided that when they happens to me from now on, I’m going to post them here and ask you all to join me in coming up with explanations. It’s a game of sorts, I guess, and an intellectual exercise for writers and story makers. Feel free to add your own events/occurrences as well, and we can exchange ideas.

The event I’m going to start with happened on NYE. It’s not particularly startling but I’m still bugged by it.

On the final leg of our epic train trip home there was a young guy sitting in our carriage. He was trash talking with four or five other young people, teasing them about their religion and and asking if God would forgive them for drinking on NYE. At first I though they were friends, and travelling together but the others got off and left him alone.

He became quite agitated after they’d gone (because, I think, being alone was an issue for him). He got off a few stops later. As he was waiting for the train to stop, he began to unbutton his white shirt. I noticed and wondered what he was doing. He was bare-chested underneath and it wasn’t especially hot in fact it was cooling off quickly.

When the doors opened he leapt out of the train and bolted down the station. When the train started again, we caught up to him. He was heading into the darkened car park and had taken his shirt off altogether and balled it up in his hand. It was after midnight, as I said, not especially warm, and no one was meeting him.

What the hell was he doing? Tell me what you think.



davitt-award  aurealis-award   logo-curtin-university

Peacemaker - Aurealis Award
Best Science Fiction Novel 2014

Curtin University Distinguished Alumni Award 2014

Transformation Space - Aurealis Award
 Best Science Fiction Novel 2010

Sharp Shooter - Davitt Award
Best Crime Novel 2009 (Sisters in Crime Australia) 





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